Monday, September 10, 2018

6 Simple Reading Strategies For Students.

I must say that reading is something we do in our everyday life whether you are a student or in the labour force. You will observe that a day can't pass without you reading something which must not necessary be a book. Example it can be a bill board on the road, a message in your phone, a newspaper, an advert on TV etc. We do these things at easy on our own comfort without any difficulties but as a student there is a lot more than that. Reading as a student requires self discipline and determination to make efforts to achieve your goal. In this article is the six simple reading strategies for students that will help to guide you.

In school, students need to learn and remember facts in order to reason and understand them. Students in the course of their development learn several skills as assessing themselves to see if they are understanding, and working out how much time they will need to study something to enable them choose an effective plan of attack to study or solve problems. A student, involves his/her capabilities, knowledge and experiences in the act of reading and for him/her to comprehend what is being read. The following are Strategies used for effective reading.

Motivation is one of the most prerequisite for learning. A student must have either an interest or a reason why he /she wants to read. it is this motivation that will serve as the driving force that fuels his/her intentions to read and comprehend it also helps the student to concentrate and will retain the interest of the student. Teachers need to know ways and means of encouraging students learning and ways of motivating them. However, students differ so much in what will motivate them.

Goal setting
Before setting your goal, you need to ask yourself some questions. Why do I want to read? Is it for fun, Is it because my teacher asked me to do so, Is it because am bored, Is it because I want to gain knowledge or to pass an exam etc depending on whatever it is. Your purpose for reading helps you to determine a reading schedule and how serious you will take it. This way a student can learn to read faster and also develop a reading culture. Most students without a reading culture have ended up performing poorly in their examination. It takes discipline and determination to develop a reading culture and also to focus on your goal.

Conducive environment
Find a conducive environment that suits you when reading to avoid distractions so you can take your time and feel relaxed to observe carefully the points that can help you understand what you are reading. Your environment or what happened in your environment while reading can also help to recall what you read when you remember it tho it doesn't work for everyone.

Areas of interest
This question"where do I begin" is always in mind when you want to read a book especially if you don't have any topic in mind. You don't have to read a book straight starting from page one. Start anywhere or begin with a familiar topic or interesting part of the book to avoid boredom and lack of interest to enable you achieve the goal of reading. This will help you keep the zeal burning to finish that particular book.

Try to pause for a while and interpret what the passage is all about by asking yourself a few questions like how, why, when and what does the writer mean if necessary. This requires imagination to help you visualize your reading using visual imagery to picture whatever you have read. Applying the meaning to teal life situations can also help to understand and realize some other things you didn't notice at the beginning.

This requires frequent assessment and practice to enable you to remember what has been read. You can also write a summary of what you read in your own words and try to teach other people to help you commit what you have read to memory, Which is when the information read is transferred from short term memory to long term memory.

All these points listed might not work for everyone especially if you have tried it but sincerely it affects everyone as a student in one way or the other if you have noticed. The only thing I can say is, self discipline is very necessary to achieve your goal if you are really determined to make it.

Please like, follow and share my post on my Facebook page " Travel with Current" @consy adione. I hope you got something from this article that really helped and if you wish to get more then don't forget to follow my Facebook page to see my recent articles.

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